Friday, May 23, 2014


Last weekend I went to see the major motion picture Godzilla. I am a huge Godzilla fan. I used to read the comics and play the games. I also of course have seen all the old classic movies. So Ihad high expectations mainly because of how good special effects have gotten in todays day and age. Also I saw familiar talented actors from the tv series "Breaking Bad" and the movie "Kick-Ass" so as you can imagine i was super excited! To top of the icing on the cake I was seeing it in 3D!!! Me and all my friends get to the theater, we have all our seats and all our snacks set up, and we are ready to go. After an hour into the movie the best actor is killed off and the main monster Godzilla has not even showed up yet. After he finally does show up he does not do any cool fighting for another half an hour! I was furious and a little tired, in fact one of my friends even fell asleep in the theater with his glasses on and everything. Once the fighting did start it was awesome Godzilla beat up two monsters very handedly. So I was cheered up a little bit, but then the ending ruined it for me. Godzilla is leaving a completely destroyed city and everyone is calling him a hero, that does not make too much sense to me. Overall I was disappointed and I would recommend waiting for the movie to come out on dvd to watch it.

Most Recent Read

The most recent thing I have read over the past couple weeks is my recently attained yearbook. At first glance I was extremely excited because the cover looks awesome and it is my senior year so it is just expected to spectacular. Reading through I really enjoyed looking at all the different pictures of me, my friends, class mates and all the great faculty that works at St. Marks. Next I enjoyed looking at all the sports, clubs, and academic teams of all sorts. Everything was great coming up to the senior section, which is where I found my first dislike. The thing I do not like is how they separated the senior quotes from the seniors individuals picture. I feel as if now not as many people will read them. Although I still did, and I enjoyed them very much. I say this because I know how lazy high schoolers are and I also heard many other students complaining about it. Another mistake is that they messed up multiple senior superlatives. It is just frustrating when everybody likes the way things were and it just gets changed for no reason. That's just life I guess. Sometimes change is good and sometimes change is bad, but theres always going to be change and I guess I'll just have to accept that. Well thats my blog and I was just speaking my mind. Farewell until next time!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Questions and Answers

In the book Guns with Occasional Music society is obviously different but a main odd feature is the fact that they can not ask any questions because it is considered impolite. This is where the main character Conrad Metcalf comes in because he is a detective which allows him to ask questions. All the digging he does leads him to some pretty messed up stuff that happens in the future. So he uses his own special mix of drugs to forget the pain. Following down the road of life Metcalf comes to an investigation about his former employer Maynard Stanhunt who also used lots and lots of futuristic drugs. All of this is done in hopes to clear a man named Orton Angwine who ran out of karma points which basically means he is a dead man walking. It's only a matter of time until his time runs out. Now thats as far as I have read into the book so I am not sure whats going to become of either Contad Metcalf or Orton Angwinr but I am excited to keep reading this book so see what it holds. The future of this futuristic book should be crazy!!!!!!!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Opinion on GwM

Gun with Occasional Music is an interesting book to say the least. It portrays a completely different outlook on life and makes me wonder how the future is really going to be. Is it going to be screwed up or will it be a good time for humanity. The way it is shown to be in this book seems pretty screwed up to me. Whoever put certain laws in place has a twisted view on what is right and wrong. I mean I am no dictator on morality but giving people a card on karma which determines how long they live is pretty messed up. Sure people who do wrong deserve punishment, but human beings are not ones to say how long a person lives or when they die. Which brings up the controversial topic of the death penalty. Can a human being play the role of God. The answer I say is no and which is why the death penalty should be outlawed and if a crime is so absurd than the person should be imprisoned for life. The sustainment of human life outweighs the cost of food and shelter the government provides for them. Sorry for my discretion but back to the fake screwed up reality of the book and enough of ours lol. In the novel people have changed the way of life by giving babies an animals the ability to speed up the growing and development process. So the people in this time period have figured out how to cheat the game of life and I do not think I would like my future to be similar to this one. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Gun With Occasional Music Blog #1

This story by Jonathan Lethem takes place in a different futuristic realm, where animals can talk and babies can skip the growing process right to adulthood, they are known as "baby heads." There are different drugs such as forgetall and acceptall and life is just done all together differently. The main character is Conrad Metcalf who is a tough private inquisitor. His job is basically a detective who helps people in trouble with debt and karma. Everyone in that day and age has karma and if you run out you are in big trouble. You are taken away and just disappear from life. Signifying death I am sure but I have not read enough to fully answer that question. If i had to make a guess on what happens to them my guess would be that they are put to death. Possibly humanely or not, by the way this book is going anything could happen. It is clearly fictional but that is completely fine with me because I really enjoy reading books along these lines. Nerdy science fiction books that strecth the mental limits of what we know as possible and impossible. This books has made me think about the aspects of life we have not even touched into yet. What awaits the world and how are things going to change are two questions I am most likely never going to know the answer to. So whatever happens happens I guess. Should I be concerned for my future children or should I just not care because it won't affect me in anyway. Either way its an interesting topic that no one on this living Earth will ever truley know unless they have figured out a way to time tracel which I highly doubt, but hey this book has taught me so far that through imagination anything could be possible.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

The question I have chose is number 2 which asks "Why did Li Mu Bai have such a strong desire to teach Jen?" There may have been a couple reasons for him to feel so, but one main reason was to get her onto the right track of life and keep her there. She was raised an trained by the evil Jade Fox which made her viewpoint on life a clouded dark one. He wished to take the martial art talents she had and convert their bad nature to good. She was living a life of wrong doing and he wished to change that. She used her skills for the wrong reasons. Speaking of which, another reason Li Mu Bai wished to teach her was because she had been teaching herself techniques and gone so far. If she became a disciple of Li Mu Bai her skills would become much greater. He could have more throughly taught her moves and trained her to her true potential, which she nor the Jade Fox could do. I believe this would have been really good for Jen. It would have made her abetter person  for sure, basically converting her from the dark side to the good side. Although without ever becoming his disciple, Li Mu Bai dying still turns Jen into a better person. Just through an unnecessary tragedy.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Even more of the Hobbit

Blog number two lets keep going with some Hobbit information!!! Bilbo yells, and out of the crack jump dozens of goblins, who tie up and carry off each member of the company except Gandalf, who was warned by Bilbo's yell. The goblins carry the dwarves and the hobbit down into the mountain to a huge chamber where the Great Goblin sits. The goblins follow quickly after them, and one of the goblins catches up to the dwarf Dori, who has been carrying Bilbo on his back. Bilbo falls off, strikes his head on the ground, and loses consciousness.When Bilbo regains consciousness, he can see nothing in the darkness. If Gollum's riddle stumps Bilbo, he will eat Bilbo, but if Bilbo's stumps Gollum, Gollum will show Bilbo the way out of the mountain. Through sheer luck, Bilbo happens to slip on the ring, and Gollum runs right past him. Realizing the ring's power, Bilbo follows Gollum, who heads toward the exit thinking that Bilbo is ahead of him. Bilbo leaps over him, runs past the goblins unnoticed thanks to the ring, and just barely manages to squeeze through the door into freedom and fresh air. So far overall some crazy stuff has happened and I am really digging this book! I suggest it to all those who have yet to read it!

Summary of whats happening so far

In as much as i have read this is what has happened to Bilbo. As he approaches a clearing in the woods, Bilbo sees three huge trolls sitting around a fire, eating mutton. The trolls stop fighting just long enough to hide in the trees and throw a sack over each approaching dwarf. The trolls decide to cook the dwarves immediately, but then a voice, which sounds like one of the trolls, starts an argument, and the three trolls start fighting again. The sun peeks over the horizon and the trolls all freeze because apparently sunlight turns trolls to stone. He had been throwing his voice to mislead the dwarves and to keep the trolls arguing until morning. As the company approaches Rivendell, a number of elves approach them and invite them back to eat and rest. This book so far is really interesting and fun too read. Although I still have not seen the second movie.