Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Just Speaking My Mind

So I forot my password to blog when they were fue for class and could not due them on here on time. But i did tell my teacher and emailed her my blogs, so I hope she does not hold that against me or my grade. Although I did just find out that they had to be atleast 400 words but I just think that there should not be a number on my thoughts beause I got how I felt about what I had read so far in one well thought out paragraph and frankly I do not even know how many words they are... So if she likes them she likes them thats great, and if she takes of points I guess thats the penalty I deserve for not correctly following directions. My apologies Mrs. Healey, hope you enjoyed my words though!!

To be or not to be..

So the question is whether or not I want to keep reading this novel in the long seventy five minute lit period once a cycle or not. Right now I am deciding to keep reading in hopes that some action and gun fighing takes place because that will keep me interested and entertain my actiony personality. If I read on and nothing really happens and it is him just traveling intimidating everyone he meets just by flashing his guns I will be kind if upset and lead on. Other than that the dialogue is good and it was an easy decision to keep going with it and give it a chance to pick up the pace a bit. So I am excited and have high expectations for the rest of the novel. I will keep the fellow bloggers posted on how its going! Toodles friends

A little bit of Info for you

I have read a little further into the novel and it is a little tough to get into. I have been expecting more action, but do not get me wrong it is still really cool and interesting. The gun slinger traveled to a mans little farm and associated with him for a little while he exchanged goods with him and ate sith him. He found out the man in black had passed through learned a few details realized he had to leave and that was all that became of that. Next he traveled into an odd little town. A I got from this part if the book is that he ate some food that he wasnt sure what was in it and had sex multiple times with the waitress. Everyone in the town immediatley respects him because of his weapons but that all makes people hesistant to converse with him. Such as some kids playing a game outside would not answer him, and when one child some hints of incest occuring were said... So some really weird things were going on in this town. He also met a man who was chewing some sort of weed, went crazy, died, and then the man in black came through and brought him back to life. That is where I am currently at in the book.

The Man in Black

In the novel that I talked about in my previous blog The Dark Tower The Gun Slinger by Stephen King I brought up the man in black. This person is the antagonist and main villain of the story or so it seems. Not much of him has been mentioned yet, all I know about him is that he is some kind of evil sorcerer or devil spawn. It seems that the gun slinger has it set out for him and his been following him in hopes to kill him or gain something. I am not too sure yet. The man in black has been traveling and causing some havoc; meanwhile the gun slinger travels a distance behind, him tracking him, and is traveling to where he has been. I have not read of any direct contact between the gun slinger and the man in black yet, but I have a good feeling there will be and that it will be intensely awesome!!!

At First Glance

The book I have been reading in my wonderful world literature class with the amazing teacher Mrs. Healey is The Dark Tower The Gun Slinger by Stephen King. I chose this book of the shelf full of great books mainly because of the author. Stephen King is one of my fathers favorite writers and I have heard him proclaim about his novels many many times, so I grabbed this book. I picked it up and immediately started reading the back of it to get an idea of what it was about. The idea sounded really cool, the only man left with guns and he is a lone wolf type of hero. So i started reading. I will be honest I was not really sure what was going on in the beginning and not much action had gone on, but I kept reading and figured out what was going on. The gun slinger is in pursuit of "the man in black"